Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day Four was a Score!

Last night was an interesting hotel/motel experience. When you pulled up to it, it looked very different from our last hotel. But the rooms were REALLY nice. The mattress even had a heating pad! I’m forming my Christmas list when I’m over here, if anyone needs any ideas! ;)

This morning I was THIS close to getting my blog posted at McDonald’s. BUT I was about 30 seconds too late because the Internet was overloaded with all of us. (I feel as though, every time I miss a blogging day I lose a reader.) The whole 2 readers I have... To start the morning we went to Lawson Angus Ranch. Here we were able to see some Angus bulls and talk to Mr. Lawson about how he runs his operation. After the tour he and his wife then took us to a local winery for hot chocolate and biscuits (cookies). Yummy!

On the way to the winery we saw a dead kangaroo on the side of the road. This was pretty exciting because it gave us hope that we might see one! Needless to say, I’ve missed all the ones we’ve passed. BUT we’ve decided that if our bus hits a kangaroo we should bring it back with us and put it in Weber. (As a souvenir of course!) 

We went to Bonnie Doon for lunch and had a choice of chicken Parmesan, schnitzel, or the classic fish and chips. I chose the chicken Parmesan thinking the pasta sounded good. I was in for a surprise when it came out with chips on the bottom of the chicken. It was yummy, just a different take on the dish than I expected! Then we had key lime cheesecake to go!

After lunch we had the chance to visit Lima Park which runs a Hereford cattle and sheep operation. Mr. McMillan showed us around the operation he manages and shared with us his philosophy for making the best product possible. He runs 3000 head of sheep and 500 head of cattle. The cattle were larger than what we were used to. It was a nice operation.

One thing I have noticed around Australia is the difference between their trucks and ours. Some of their “trucks” look like a car in front with a pickup bed behind. And their working trucks look like miniatures! Needless to say there aren’t any F-350’s to be seen!

One of their working trucks

Tonight we are headed to Albury and we’re planning to visit a sheep operation, Shorthorn Cattle operation, along with an emu farm! Needless to say I’m pretty excited for the emus!!

Tune in tomorrow for the emus!!
The beautiful scenery 

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